Sunday, February 22, 2009

For My Valentine


My Valentine tribute!

Kevin and I have been married for 25 years (in June) I love him more than the day I married him. And I know he loves me by his simple daily actions. I'm not one for needing flowers or jewels or gifts to be shown love. It's the simple actions of everyday life like 'helping' with the dishes or sitting down to watch one of our favorite TV shows together.

We have many TV shows we love to watch together. We are rarely home together during the week, so our favorite time spent is on a Friday or Saturday evening ordering Pizza or Chinese food and sitting to relax and watch all our DVR'd shows from the week. I look forward to these times my entire week.

We have had the opportunity over the years to take vacations alone together. I've cherished these times together.

As we go through the ups and downs of life, I know I can count on my Kevin to be at my side. Here's to another 25 years of BLISS!



Unknown said...

Can you believe how long all these marriages have lasted? You, 25. Melissa and me, 24. Vince got married that same year, in September, so they'll be 24, too. I bet you could name 20 couples who have been married 20 years or more; so could I. Do you realize how unusual - and lucky - that is??

(Maybe you do... perhaps I'm just late to the party!)

A small glimpse at our world said...

DeNae, I am reminded every day of how truly special and unique 'we' are!!! You have not JOINED the party too late! HA I LOVE YOU TOO WoMAN! I need to have a get away weekend at your house one of these months. Invite me so I can say I didn't invite myself. It's only a 4.5 hour drive for me