Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year!

Wow! It's the new year already. New year, new resolutions and new lease on life. YEA!

We traveled to Utah/Idaho for Christmas and had a fabulous time, even in the SNOW! It was 11 degrees on Christmas day (very warm for Idaho Falls this time of year). We got snowed in at Kelly and Leslie's home, but had a great time being with family. We were reminded of how much we truly love our familes and love to spend time with them.

We also spent time with my brother David and his family and Grandma Nancy in Salt Lake City. We watched Scott play basketball (when he's famous, we'll say we knew him when....) and we ate yummy food. We had fun with Teresa and her gang and Rob and Jana! It was the best family trip where many memories were made.

We were also able to spend some time with Grandma Millie and Uncle Saun and Aunt Linda! What a wonderful holiday season!

The gospel is true and families are at the heart. We feel so blessed.


Drago Family said...

Who could ask for a better holiday than spending it with the ones you love (or the Drago's) that would have made an awesome holiday as well! \"/

Mary said...

what a great blog! I will be adding you to my blog list and be keeping up on your comings and goings. Glad you had a great holiday in Utah and Idaho. I wish I could have seen you. Let us know next time your in town!

Auntie M

A small glimpse at our world said...

I wanted to let everyone know we were there, but we were so crunched for time due to the weather and how much traveling we had to do. I'm for sure coming up in the summer with Dallin. I'm taking him to Idaho for a few weeks and I'll go back to SLC and spend with Nancy. I'll for sure let everyone know I'm in town then!!!! (REALLY REALLY...I won't let the Dr. steal my vacation this year!)

shuggy said...

what a great holiday! i'll add you to my blog!!